1st: MLG PRO 2012 TFDB TOURNEY #WINNERS (5 buds given away total) 2nd: unknown (5 painted bills given away total) 3rd: Mr. IncredibleSexyFuckers (15 keys given away total) Videos will be attached to the bracket very soon. Congrats to all the teams that participated! It was really fun running this tourney and also very time consuming. Many thanks to Dahrr and Parasynapsis for helping me run it. I hope I can run another in the near future with better rules and layout. In order for me to do that, I need your feedback. Please let me know how your experience was and any tips/advice I could improve/add upon for the next tourney. Your help is much appreciated!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:41:52 PM by Scorpion »