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Author Topic: Jump videos I want to see? Backwards runs.  (Read 1054 times)
Offline  hobbes

Posts: 28
Don't know if this has been done before, if it can be done, or if anyone gives a shit....but I think it would be neat to see runs of maps backwards.  From end to beginning.  I think it would be quite the challenge and offer some different kinds of videos instead of the same map runs/speed shots we are used to.

I would love to attempt this but I suck too much at jumping to even complete a map, let alone complete it again backwards.  Anyways, I know there are some people here that are plenty good enough to do it, so I think it would be pretty neat to see them do it/attempt it.
Offline  Wolsk

Posts: 301
i love you
The only thing I hate about doing jumps backwards is that the teles still send you to the start of the jump.
Other than that, it is fun to do, and I would love to see jump movies involving it to mix things up a bit.


dellort: This mod is pretty cool, just wish the devs would fix the bug that allows MIKE to play on it.
Offline  X_DIAS

Posts: 643
The world is a cube

jump_demolition has a backwards course and Noone ever uses, why bother??

Posts: 630
The thing about these is that most really arent entertaining to watch.

Posts: 133
I want to see the first jump of the last course of jump_QuBa done backwards

Posts: 518
No tears now; only dreams
I want to see the first jump of the last course of jump_QuBa done backwards

vertical air pogo with regen... ezZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. But lol seriously that would be a wicked jump if you could pull it off. Would be very possible with 0 ping.


Posts: 425
I don't think the wall are shootable. And if they are, how would you clear, for instance, the "weel".

Offline  dellort

Video Maker Extraordinaire
Posts: 294
I want to see the first jump of the last course of jump_QuBa done backwards

It's at 7:53.
Offline  Rooskie

Posts: 35
I want to see the first jump of the last course of jump_QuBa done backwards

It's at 7:53.

Dellort, I think he was talking about going upwards, not going through it the regular way strafing backwards.

My signature is sexy.

Posts: 133
I want to see the first jump of the last course of jump_QuBa done backwards

It's at 7:53.

Dellort, I think he was talking about going upwards, not going through it the regular way strafing backwards.

Exactly that
Offline  Diddy

Posts: 297
That would literally be impossible because rockets shoot through the walls, and I very seriously doubt that any demo could airpogo the entire thing, it's far too angled and would require like 20+ stickies.
pls don't go beat quba 3-1 backwards now demos, pls

some people just shouldnt be aloud to have internet accesss

Posts: 133
That would literally be impossible because rockets shoot through the walls, and I very seriously doubt that any demo could airpogo the entire thing, it's far too angled and would require like 20+ stickies.
pls don't go beat quba 3-1 backwards now demos, pls

I wasn't serious in the first place
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